Payment Method | Qty 1 - 3 | Qty 4+ |
Cash | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Cashier's | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Check | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Credit Card | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Money Order | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Paypal | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Pin Debit | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Wire | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
Zelle | $9,685.36 | $9,653.20 |
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