$10 1929 Ch# 4625 Ntl Bank of Mckeesport, PA = CHEAP SERIAL NUMBER ONE = E000001 Ch AU


Serial number ones are trophies of the highest caliber. As such, they were often reserved for bank presidents and then kept within the family as an item of both sentimental and numismatic signficance. As such, any opportunity to secure a serial number one national banknote should not be taken lightly. 

This particular example has fully-original paper wave and embossing as though it were just printed. The inks are bold, the paper is bright, the margins are even  on this Allegheny County $10 1929 National Bank of McKeesport, PA serial E000001A.

As with any collectible, it's encouraged that prospective buyers review both images of the face and back to determine if the condition would be a suitable addition to your collection. This note received a beyond generous discount for foreign substance appearing within and near the margin. 

Many serial number ones from 'common towns' effortlessly surprass the $2k threshold. As such, it's almost shocking that we're able to deiver this note to you for $1450 when purchasing directly from Executive Currency. 

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