For nearly a century, double denoms have been lauded as the King of Errors, as each side bears a different value. As these remain the undisputed King of Errors, this variety is the King of Kings. A mere twelve notes were released and later sold as part of the Grinnell collection during the 1940s. Of the original twelve, three remain untraceable. Each of the other three varieties of small size double denomination errors have considerably larger populations documented. Adding to the allure, this is from the first issue of small size notes; early enough that a numeral appears in the district seal. Generously margined for an issue where most carry a razor-thin right or left margin. This boasts all the hallmarks of a Very Choice New 64, leaving us to wonder about the ultra conservative grade. With Ch New examples of the 1934-D double denomination—far and away the most common variety—realizing $55,000 at auction, this eminently rarer and more important specimen should trade for tremendously more.
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