2023 Samoa 1 oz Silver DC Comics Batman Colorized with TEP

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Commemorating your favorite hero, Batman, this limited edition Silver coin is in full color on one side and comes in licensed tamper-evident packaging (TEP). There is a mintage of only 2,500 coins.

Coin Highlights:

  • Contains 1 oz of .999 fine Silver. 
  • Mintage of only 2,500 coins worldwide.
  • Housed in TEP - RF-welded plastic polymer case (2 1/2" x 3 1/4"), protecting the coin's finish along with Batman imagery style card. 
  • Obverse: Features the effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II along with the issuing country crest, the face value, year of issue, weight and fineness. 
  • Reverse: Features a colorized Batman standing high on a building ledge holding his Lasso of Truth. Next to him is the Batman logo. 
  • This coin is legal tender in Samoa.
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