10 oz Silver Buffalo Bar Highland Mint

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cash $345.45
Cashier's $345.45
Check $345.45
Credit Card $345.45
Money Order $345.45
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Zelle $345.45
As low as $3.10 per oz above spot
Executive Currency buy price $325.33

Highland Mint Buffalo 10 oz Silver Bar

Produced by Highland Mint, one of the most trusted private mints in the U.S. This Buffalo 10 oz Silver Bar displays in horizontal format, a remarkably fine, detailed scene that fills the entire bar. Featured is a full, right-facing profile of an American Bison (buffalo) standing in the foreground of its native grazing lands in the American plains. It is surrounded by the grasses it is feeding upon, and the background shows the rolling hills and skyline. The HM mint mark is displayed at the right rim.

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