1 kg Perth Mint Silver Bar

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cash $1,115.58
Cashier's $1,115.58
Check $1,115.58
Credit Card $1,115.58
Money Order $1,115.58
Paypal $1,115.58
Pin Debit $1,115.58
Wire $1,115.58
Zelle $1,115.58
As low as $3.50 per oz above spot
Executive Currency buy price $986.68

These kilo Silver bars are made by the world-renowned Perth Mint. Large format bars make for an easy way to acquire larger amounts of .999 fine Silver with just one purchase at a lower cost / oz.

Bar Highlights:

  • Contains 1 kilo (32.15 oz) of .999 fine Silver.
  • Displays the Perth Mint’s famous swan logo along with the weight and .999 fine purity.
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