Payment Method | Qty 1+ |
Cash | $107.75 |
Cashier's | $107.75 |
Check | $107.75 |
Credit Card | $107.75 |
Money Order | $107.75 |
Paypal | $107.75 |
Pin Debit | $107.75 |
Wire | $107.75 |
Zelle | $107.75 |
Hogwarts™ Potions Professor, SEVERUS SNAPE™, appears on this 1oz pure silver coin. It has been shaped and coloured to resemble the Dark Arts master - recognisable by his long, greasy hair, black robes and a scowl. On the obverse of the coin, you can see the Ian Rank Broadley effigy of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, to confirm it as legal tender.