South Africa 2 Rand gold coin

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cash $639.39
Cashier's $639.39
Check $639.39
Credit Card $639.39
Money Order $639.39
Paypal $639.39
Pin Debit $639.39
Wire $639.39
Zelle $639.39
As low as $75.02 per oz above spot
Executive Currency buy price $598.17
  • Contains .2354 oz actual Gold weight.
  • Obverse: Depicts a bust of Jan van Riebeck, Dutch founder of Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Reverse: A rendition of a Springbok, similar to the design on the Krugerrand.
  • Minted at the South African Mint at Pretoria.

Containing .2354 of an ounce of Gold and with a pleasing design, these 2 Rand coins are South Africa's equivalent of the British Sovereign

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