Payment Method | Qty 1 - 9 | Qty 10 - 49 | Qty 50+ |
Cash | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Cashier's | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Check | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Credit Card | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Money Order | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Paypal | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Pin Debit | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Wire | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Zelle | $335.65 | $329.65 | $328.65 |
Republic Metals Corporation is a Florida-based precious metal manufacturer popular for high-quality bullion products. Each 10 oz Republic Metals Republic Eagle Silver Bar contains 10 troy ounces of fine and pure 0.999 Silver. The obverse of the silver bar features the image of a soaring eagle, while the reverse bears the identifying markers of the bar.
Order the high-quality 10oz Republic Metals Republic Eagle Silver Bar online today from us! You can check and compare our reputation and silver prices with other bullion dealers and see how we stand out from the other silver dealers in the industry. The current silver price is updated on our website.