2005 10oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cash $518.75
Cashier's $518.75
Check $518.75
Credit Card $518.75
Money Order $518.75
Paypal $518.75
Pin Debit $518.75
Wire $518.75
Zelle $518.75
As low as $20.00 per oz above spot
Executive Currency buy price $307.79

Each 2005 10oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra weighs 10 troy ounces and 0.999 fine silver. These beautiful silver coins are highly popular among investors and collectors. We recommend storing silver in a cool, dry environment.

Silver coins should be handled infrequently so as to ensure they do not become scratched or damaged.

Why is the 2005 10oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra Popular and an Excellent Investment in Silver ?

  • Struck in .999 fine silver
  • Minted by the Perth Mint
  • Backed by the Federal Government of Australia
  • IRA eligible silver coin
  • 100% Authentic


  • Country - Australia
  • Mint - Perth Mint
  • Purity - .999
  • Weight - 10 troy ounces
  • IRA Eligible - Yes

Thinking of buying a silver coin online? It is great to look for one of the trusted silver bullion dealers online to order silver coins!

Buy the high-quality, stunning 2005 10oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra from us online! The recent silver price is updated on our website.

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