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The Silver Kookaburra series is extremely popular among investors and collectors. The 1995 1oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra is composed of 1 troy ounce of 0.999 fine silver and has a mintage of 154,247 coins.
The obverse of the coin displays Ian Rank-Broadley's likeness of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The reverse of the coin features a kookaburra perched on a branch of a gum tree, design by Tony Dean.
Planning to order silver coins from one of the popular bullion dealers?
Buy the stunning 1995 1oz Australian Perth Mint Silver Kookaburra from us online!
Don’t forget to compare our silver prices and reputation with other bullion dealers and see how we stand out from the other dealers in the industry. You’ll find the latest silver price on our website.