Payment Method | Qty 1+ |
Cash | $32,366.15 |
Cashier's | $32,366.15 |
Check | $32,366.15 |
Credit Card | $32,366.15 |
Money Order | $32,366.15 |
Paypal | $32,366.15 |
Pin Debit | $32,366.15 |
Wire | $32,366.15 |
Zelle | $32,366.15 |
Palladium is a highly popular investment metal in the precious metals market. Heraeus is a popular German refinery that has been manufacturing unique products for over 160 years. The Heraeus Palladium Barscome up in several denominations. Each 1kgHeraeus Palladium Barcontains 1000 gramsof fine .9995palladium.
Planning to buya palladiumbar from one of the reputable bullion dealers? Order the high-quality 1kg Heraeus Palladium Bar online today from us! You can check and compare our reputation and palladiumbars prices with other bullion dealers and see how we stand out from the other dealers in the industry. The current palladium bar value is updated on our website.