2oz Generic Palladium Bar

As low as:
Payment Method Qty 1+
Cash $1,920.40
Cashier's $1,920.40
Check $1,920.40
Credit Card $1,920.40
Money Order $1,920.40
Paypal $1,920.40
Pin Debit $1,920.40
Wire $1,920.40
Zelle $1,920.40
As low as $30.00 per oz above spot
Executive Currency buy price $-928.32

Generic palladium bars are perfect for investors who are looking to diversify their precious metals assets with pure palladium.Each 2 oz Generic Palladium Bar is composed of 2 troy ounces of .9995 fine palladium. These palladium bars are 100% authentic.

Why is the 2 oz Generic Palladium Bar popular Among Investors?

  • Simple and sleek design
  • Composed of 2 oz of .9995 fine palladium
  • Eligible for Precious Metals IRAs
  • 100% authentic


  • Purity - .9995
  • Weight- 2oz
  • IRA Eligible- Yes

Thinking to buya palladium bar from one of the reputable bullion dealers? Order the high-quality 2 oz GenericPalladium Bar online today from us!The palladium bar price is updated on our website every minute.

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